Lomasi Lounge

Lomasi ~ noun
[ 3 syll. lo-ma-si, lom-asi ] pronounced as Low-MAA-Siy- †.
Lomasi is derived from Native American origins and means beautiful flower.
At Lomasi I believe every woman is beautiful.
It's Lomasi's mission to let this beauty come to light by enhancing your natural looks.
To accomplish this I believe it's important to look to nature. One of the patterns always returning in nature is the golden ratio. You can find this pattern in flowers, trees, fruits, sea shells, flowers and also faces.
And that's why I also use this pattern for shaping brows.
I always try to find a link with nature, that's why many of the products I use are natural and organic.
Just like a walk in nature, a visit to Lomasi is something relaxing and can even be therapeutic. :-)
Just try and see!
Who am I?
Female entrepreneur, Mom of 2 little drama queens, driven and passionate about beauty, flowers, plants & nature.